Monday, February 4, 2008

Marathon not a sprint!

Just as well as I'm not built to sprint anymore than Gordon Brown is fit to govern this country!

Day 5

365 days is a long time, it certainly seems it only 5 days in sat here with a pint of water and an apple in front of me! Is'nt he doing well you may be thinking!............Not so I'm afraid I over indulged over the weekend well Saturday evening to be exact.

It was one of our closest friends 40th Bithdays and to celebrate we all went to a rather plush restaraunt in a Oswestry and had a fantastic night, well I did! Now I can honestly say I went with the best intentions in the world, armed with my newly found armoured will power and adamant I would not fall into my usual habits. The battle plan was well thought through with the key tactics being I would choose suitable dishes from the menu as a compromise....good idea right? Wrong the plan failed quicker than a liberal democrat election campaign. I started with the chicken pate followed by the lamb shank! I know, I know but hey whats a welshman to eat the night we beat the English on their own turf at Rugby. Worse was yet to follow.......Eton mess for dessert! all in all more food than a burger eating american state such as Florida! and I'm not telling anyone about the 8 bottles of wine we polished off between 6 of us! ssssh it'll be our secret, anyway Mike if your reading this the puddled look on your face and the man hug at the end would suggest you had far more of it than me! Happy Birthday matey.

So there it is my first setback, nobody said it was going to be easy otherwise wheres the fun in the challenge right!

Oh and thanks to those of you sending me words of encouragement it helps to know someones reading this! After all theres nothing worse than talking to yourself is there?

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