Thursday, January 31, 2008

Every journey starts with a first step

Day 1 Realisation:

Have I just woke up this morning and become overweight?.....Of course not. Have I woken up this morning and just realised I am overweight?......No, The truth is I have realised for quite some time I am overweight and chosen to laugh it off, ignore it, deny it and on times accepted it. I have for short periods of time even attempted to address the issue but given up all too easily and failed. Not this time though today I have taken the first step to not just losing 35lbs but to change my life!

Over the next 364 days (1 down already!) I am going to change the way I behave, not just the way I eat but the way I excercise, the way I act and most importantly the way I think.

Why 365 days?...........Well why not? ok if I'm honest I stole it! After weighing myself today I realised things are getting out of hand and I needed to do something, but what? The intenrnet seemed as good a place as any to start so after a few searches I have found with Dr Ian Chapman, a free 365 day programe to help you achieve your goals and it appears to be free...Brilliant.

So there it is day 1 first step lets see where the journey ends.

1 comment:

moggy said...

well andy,its took you till now to
if any one can do it you can,i dont even know what i weigh,your a brave man to put it on the www.
goood luck slim....