Wednesday, September 23, 2009

A new beginning

Hmmm where to start? A lot has happened in the world since my last post............Credit crunch, Recession, a Black President of the U.S.A, England qualifying for a major tournamont at the first time of asking (Wales failing again!) Michael Jackson and Jade Goody both gone! Peter Andre and Jordan split up....Who could see that coming??

So what of me? Well some may say I failed...........possibly! Did I lose the weight I hoped to...No! Did I lose weight?... Yes and more importantly have I managed to keep it off?...The answer most of it. As I sit here typing I weigh 16 stone 5lbs so a stone lighter than January 2008 not bad at all I think?

Now why am I suddenly back here typing my thoughts you may be asking.....but probably not as I'm probably talking to myself!!! Again! The answer is somebody has instigated it, who?...Is it a friend? a colleague? A random blogger.....No idea! An anonymous comment on here has reignited my enthusiasm. Never one to dodge a challenge and seeing this innocuous comment as a gauntlet thrown down I have decided to start again.

What to do? Decisions decisions...Those of you in the corporate world will have come across many acronyms from time to time, well heres one you will all know very well; S.M.A.R.T (Specific, Measurable, achievable, Realist, Timed) with this in mind I think 1 stone weight loss by xmas day is both realistic and challenging. So there it is 14lbs to lose in about 14 weeks should be fun.......

Watch this space.

Oh and to the anonymous commenter....Thank you!

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